Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Saturday, the Schattes come over and we were able to get all the invitations addressed, stuffed, and they got passed out at church on Sunday, mailed on Monday, or passed out on Tuesday!!! 

Little Bobby was a fun distraction for us!!! ;)

Bekah hard at work...

Sam and I stuffing, putting address stickers on, and sorting

Amy putting stamps on the mail-outs

Amy and Bekah talking pregnancies and babies.... ;)

Hard at work

Rach, Hannah and Liz

and here's Bobby again.... :D

Sarah and the little man

One handsome Fellow!!! ;)

and another one! 

finishing up....

Esther and Mrs. Schatte alphabetizing them....

Faith playing memory with the leftover pictures..... ;)

the 'rat'

and.......more pictures of Bobby....just 'cause he's cute!!! ;)

drinking coffee afterwards

Sisters.... <3

Gong through and making sure they all got done

oh look! she got them all right the first time!!! ;)

Thank you all sooooo much for your help!!! 
<3 <3 <3