Friday, March 15, 2019

It's been way too long......

It's been over a year since I posted on here!
I think with the boom of camera phones, Facebook and Instagram, it's getting harder to remember to post this blog! I'm going to try and keep up more, but I've said that before so we'll see I guess..... :)

Here are a few pictures to catch up 

A fairly recent family picture, taken at Crystal Beach in Sept

And a more formal one, taken at Thanksgiving

Sam and I just celebrated 6 years married and 22 years knowing each other! <3

Emma just turned 5 yesterday and is becoming quite the young lady! Always willing to help, but also always willing to giver her opinion! Her love language is definitely either physical touch or quality time.

Corrie will be 4 in June and is a joy to everyone around her! She has a very quirky sense of humor and loves to make those around her laugh! :D

Emma and Corrie have a very sweet sister relationship that I hope lasts their lifetime.

And then there was James.
James is definitely all boy. So energetic, noisy and joyful!!! ;)
He has such a joy of life around him and is so much fun to watch play with his car, trucks, airplanes, tractors, helicopters, etc. You name it and he probably has one. And he very carefully lines them all up and makes the noises for each one! :) 

A few days after Thanksgiving, we found out another little one was on the way! :D
I'm due July 24th and we had a sonogram and it's a boy! The girls got to go with us to the sono which they thoroughly enjoyed! 
The sono tech saw something on the placenta that they recommended getting looked at by a specialist, so our midwife set us up to go see one all the way in Frisco. It was a drive, but everyone we talked to said she was the best in the business, and it's worth it to find out! 
Very thankfully, everything is ok with the placenta and our little Franklin Robert and we are so grateful!!!

Just a random picture of the kiddos playing in a box that Sam had ordered something for the Fire Dep in. They played with it for days till it tore so much we had to throw it out. who says toys have to be expensive? :)

Father and Son at the beach. 

Sam and I got to get away for the weekend for our anniversary to the Fort Worth Stockyards. I'm hoping to do a post about that by it's self. we had so much fun walking around, watching the shows, and just being with each other! It's been so crazy the last year with everything going on that it was nice to get away!

And back in May we did a thing. A very grown up and scary thing. 
We closed on our very own house! We were very thankful for my realtor sister's help through all of the ends and outs of inspections and insurance! Thank you Sarah!!!
After just over three years of living in an RV, it took some adjusting to, but we are totally loving it!!!
It has 15 acres and is only 1 mile from the fire station and about 5 min from my family's house.

The view from my kitchen window

from the road

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